Handmade Herbal Soap
— Extracted from natural herbs, mild and gentle for sensitive skin, pamper your skin with full protection !
Helps in removing body odour and bacteria. For people with bromhidrosis, it is adviced to use body soap 1-2 times daily. It is proven to remove 80-90 % of body odour after usage.
Specially designed for facial wash with the function of cleansing, anti-inflammatory and anti acne. For people with acne/pimples, it is recommended to use this facial soap 1-2 times daily to treat skin infection.
Specially made for hair wash, effective in removing dandruff, relieve itching scalp and protect the hair. For people with excessive scalp sebum production and hair loss problem, it is recommended to use this soap 1-2 times daily to treat hair loss and excessive sebum production problem.
Feminine intimate wash is very important to prevent infection and abnormal discharge. Besides feminine wash, delicate soap also can be used to wash lingeries for anti-bacterial effect. For women with vaginal problems, it is recommended to use this soap everyday to prevent recurrent vaginal infection.